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First Families of Highland County

In 1992, Southern Ohio Genealogical Society started the First Families of Highland County. Over the years, 1000 different ancestors have been proven by 200 descendants. As a member of SOGS you can request applications for First Families by e-mail at: or download the forms from this web site.

Early Pioneers of Highland County 1800 – 1830.

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Second Families of Highland County

The prime objectives of the First and Second Families of Highland County, Ohio, are to identify and honor the memory of the early pioneers of the county. The research and work necessary for discovering the pioneers and their descendants is intended to foster and encourage increasing interest in the people who contributed in any way – great or small – to establishing the county, its customs, culture, genealogy and history.

On June 8, 2006, we initiated the first members into the Second Families of Highland County. As a member of SOGS you can request applications for Second Families by e-mail at: or download the forms from this web site.

Early Pioneers of Highland County 1830 – 1860.

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Society of Civil War Families of Highland County

The prime objective of the society of the society of Civil War families of Highland County is to identify and honor the memory of these people who served in the Civil War. The research and work necessary for discovering these soldiers and their descendants is intended to foster and encourage increasing interest in the people who contributed in any way – great or small – in the Civil War.

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