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- President: .Mary Hawthorne
- 1st Vice President: Jane Stowers
- 2nd Vice President: Mary Post
- Treasurer: Jennifer West
- Recording Secretary: Patricia Young
- Corresponding Secretary: Rebecca Creamer
- Past President: Vicki Knauff
- Historian:
- Membership: Mary Post
- Librarian: Mary Hawthorne
- Programs: Jane Stowers
- Publication-Distribution: Mary Jo Copeland
- First Families: Helen Roe
- Second Families: Helen Roe
- Civil War Veterans Society: Mary Hawthorne
- Military Order of Daughters & Sons: Mary Hawthorne
- Newsletter Editor: Betty Crum
- Web Page: Charles Shreve
- Facebook editor: Helen Roe
- At Large Delegates: Helen Roe and Earl Smith
- Appointed Delegates: Betty Crum & Mary Jo Copeland